11-04-2007 18-07-4511-04-2007 19-30-0611-04-2007 18-24-3511-04-2007 18-46-3411-04-2007 18-51-4411-04-2007 19-04-3111-04-2007 19-11-2111-04-2007 20-53-3011-04-2007 19-22-14
1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32
Test NoDescription
14skipokokokokokfailokokSimple foreach handling
72skipokokokokokfailokokSimple report checking when using ORDER BY (not ORDER EXTERNAL..)
76skipokokfailokokfailokokBasic DB exercising of Datetimes
95skipokokokokfailfailfailfailUPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OF..
110skipokokokokokfailokokTest for core dump in LOAD FROM
207skipokokokokfailfailfailfailThis test checks the validity of date/datetime comparisons Its more for the SQL side than 4GL..
270skipokokokfailfailfailokfailA quick test of the define variable like dbname:tablename.column and record like dbname:tablename.\<
590skipokokokokokfailokokSET EXPLAIN ON database statement. No run-time checking. Note that this test may fail because of Informix configuration issues. For example, if your oninit permissions look like this: -rwSr-sr-- 1 informix informix 8497828 Mar 3 2002 /opt/informix/bin/
591skipokokokokokfailokokSET EXPLAIN OFF database statement. No run-time checking.
626skipokokokokokfailokokLOAD FROM ... INSERT INTO statement. No run-time checking.
627skipokokokokokfailokokLOAD FROM ... INSERT INTO with file name in variable. No run-time checking.
628skipokokokokokfailokokLOAD FROM with DELIMITER clause. No run-time checking.
629skipokokokfailfailfailokokLOAD FROM with INSERT statement in variable. No run-time checking.
630skipokokokokokfailokokLOAD FROM ... INSERT INTO with one column. No run-time checking.
631skipokokokokokfailokokLOAD FROM ... INSERT INTO with several columns. No run-time checking.
632skipokokokokokfailokokSimple UNLOAD TO statement. No run-time checking.
633skipokokokokokfailokokUNLOAD TO with file name in variable. No run-time checking.
634skipokokokokokfailokokUNLOAD with specified DELIMITER. No run-time checking.
635skipokokokokokfailokokUNLOAD TO with query string in variable. No run-time checking.
636skipokokokokokfailokokComplex UNLOAD statement. No run-time checking.
716skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT several columns.
717skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT ALL.
718skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT DISTINCT
719skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT AS
731skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT with named ORDER BY.
732skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT with numbered ORDER BY
733skipokokokokokfailokokSELECT with DEC and ASC ORDER BY clause
738skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a select into temp insert the correct values and then they are correctly fetched.
741skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with a NOT condition fetch the correct values.
742skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with a simple comparison condition fetch the correct values.
743skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with a IN subquery in where condition fetch the correct values.
744skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with a EXISTS subquery in where condition fetch the correct values
745skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with ALL subquery in where condition fetch the correct values.
746skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with between in where condition fetch the correct values.
747skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with IN expression (not subquery) in where condition fetch the correct values
748skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select wth IN expression (not subquery) in where condition fetch the correct values.
749skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with LIKE in where condition fetch the correct values.
750skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with MATCHES in where condition fetch the correct values
751skipokokokokfailfailokfailCheck if a simple select with MATCHES in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
753skipokokokokokfailfailfailCheck if a simple select that uses the rowid fetch the correct values values
755skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with < operatoor on where condition fetch the correct values.
756skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with > operator on where condition fetch the correct values
757skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with <= operatoor on where condition fetch the correct values
758skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with LIKE in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
763skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with OR in where condition fetch the correct values.
764skipokokokokfailfailokfailCheck if a simple select with LIKE in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
768skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with ANY subquery in where condition fetch the correct values.
769skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with SOME subquery in where condition fetch the correct values
770skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with NOT IN expression (not subquery) in where condition fetch the correct values.
772skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with NOT BETWEEN in where condition fetch the correct values.
774skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if a simple select with NOT LIKE in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
775skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with NOT MATCHES in where condition fetch the correct values.
776skipokokokokfailfailokfailCheck if a simple select with LIKE in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
789skipokokokokokfailokokCheck with UNION in where condition fetch the correct values.
790skipokokokokokfailokokCheck with UNION ALL in where condition fetch the correct values.
792skipokokokokokfailokokCheck if the commit work statement after a transaction work
910skipokokokfailfailfailokfailTest if the sqlca.sqlerrd[6] is assigned with last rowid inserted.
912skipokokokfailfailfailfailfailTest if the sqlca.sqlarn[2] is assigned with a W after a truncation in a select.
913skipokokfailfailfailfailokokTest if the sqlca.sqlarn[2] is assigned with a W after using a database without transactions.
1060skipokokfailokokfailokokTesting a way to pass values between shell and 4gl using a temporary file.
1210skipokokokokokfailokokhandling of -ve decimal numbers
1228skipokokokokokfailokokMID 661 Note that for this test to work, in most cases, the database engine needs to have sufficient privileges to write to the test directory
1245skipokokokokokfailokokNULL in DATE
1248skipokokokokokfailokfailTests rolling back - mid 717
1249skipokokokokfailfailokfailDate tests of some sort
1250skipokokokokokfailokokThis is a test provided by Miguel Caldera which demonstates some corruption
1413skipokokfailokfailfailfailfailExample logical report layout testing
1416skipokokokokokfailokokTests order by desc within a report
1417skipokokokokokfailokokTests report order by
1418skipokokfailokokfailokokTests using datetimes in a report
1420skipokokokokokfailokokreport linenumber test
1421skipokokokokokfailokokAnother report test
1600skipokokokokokfailokokDo some ordering, before/after group with null values. Mantis bug 902.
1617skipokokokfailokfailokokbegin/commit work inside a report, end prematurly. MID 932.
485 OK
7 Fail
463 Skip
98% OK
404 OK
559 Skip
100% OK
399 OK
564 Skip
100% OK
254 OK
28 Fail
681 Skip
90% OK
380 OK
21 Fail
562 Skip
94% OK
275 OK
126 Fail
562 Skip
68% OK
236 OK
74 Fail
653 Skip
76% OK
306 OK
100 Fail
557 Skip
75% OK
292 OK
114 Fail
557 Skip
71% OK