11-04-2007 18-07-4511-04-2007 19-30-0611-04-2007 18-24-3511-04-2007 18-46-3411-04-2007 18-51-4411-04-2007 19-04-3111-04-2007 19-11-2111-04-2007 20-53-3011-04-2007 19-22-14
1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32 1.00-32
Test NoDescription
1skipokokskipokfailskipokfailTest setting some basic types to null
95skipokokokokfailfailfailfailUPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OF..
98skipokokskipfailfailskipfailokSome basic testing of sqlerrd[2] and sqlerrd[6] (SERIAL)
106skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailSELECT FIRST and SQL - END SQL block
109skipokokskipokfailskipfailokTest for core dump when opening a cursor
207skipokokokokfailfailfailfailThis test checks the validity of date/datetime comparisons Its more for the SQL side than 4GL..
257skipokokokokfailokokokThis is a test for MID 512
258skipokokokokfailokokokTests mantis bug 516 (private bug) ecpg crashed on declare cursor for select statement - the select statement has an 'into clause' of 3 members of a structure. It works fine when the number is less than 3.
270skipokokokfailfailfailokfailA quick test of the define variable like dbname:tablename.column and record like dbname:tablename.\<
287skipokokskipskipfailskipfailfailAnother UNLOAD test
530skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCREATE TABLE with database.owner specified. No run-time checking.
551skipokokfailokfailokfailokSimple ALTER TABLE. No run-time checking.
552skipokokskipokfailskipfailokALTER TABLE with ADD clause. No run-time ckecking.
553skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE with DROP clause. No run-time checking.
557skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE with LOCK MODE clause. No run-time checking.
558skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE ... ADD with all (Informix) types. No run-time checking. NOTE: fails to compile with -ifx-p.
559skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE ADD with BEFORE clause. No run-time checking.
560skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE with MODIFY (all Informix types). No run-time checking. NOTE: fails to compile with -ifx-p.
561skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE ... MODIFY with column CONSTRAINT clause. No run-time checking. NOTE: fails to compile with -ifx-p.
562skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailALTER TABLE ... ADD with column CONSTRAINT clause. No run-time checking. NOTE: fails to compile with -ifx-p.
570skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCREATE SYNONYM statement. No run-time checking.
571skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM database statement. No run-time checking. NOTE: fails to compile with -ifx-p.
572skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCREATE PRIVATE SYNONYM database statement. No run-time checking. NOTE: fails to compile with -ifx-p.
576skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailDROP SYNONYM database statement. No run-time checking.
584skipokokskipfailfailskipfailokEXECUTE prepared database statement. No run-time checking.
587skipokokskipfailfailskipfailokFREE prepared and executed statement. No run-time checking.
594skipokokokokfailokokfailSimple UPDATE STATISTICS. No run-time checking.
595skipokokokokfailokokfailLOCK TABLE with SHARED MODE. No run-time checking.
596skipokokokokfailokokfailLOCK TABLE with EXCLUSIVE MODE. No run-time checking.
598skipokokokokfailokokfailUNLOCK TABLE database statement. No run-time checking.
605skipokokokokfailokokokRENAME TABLE database statement. No run-time checking.
606skipokokokokfailokokfailRENAME COLUMN database statement. No run-time checking.
610skipokokokokfailokokokCREATE VIEW ... AS SELECT with named columns. No run-time checking.
611skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCREATE VIEW with CHECK OPTION. No run-time checking.
612skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailComplex CREATE VIEW database statement. No run-time checking.
620skipokokfailokfailokfailfailDELETE with WHERE CURRENT OF clause. No run-time checking.
621skipokokfailokfailokokokDELETE with sub-query No run-time checking.
622skipokokfailokfailokokokDELETE with EXISTS sub-query. No run-time checking.
623skipokokfailokfailokfailokDELETE ... WHERE ALL/SOME/ANY. No run-time checking.
625skipokokokokfailokokokComplex DELETE database statement. No run-time checking.
629skipokokokfailfailfailokokLOAD FROM with INSERT statement in variable. No run-time checking.
639skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailSET LOCK MODE TO WAIT with seconds specified. No run-time checking.
645skipokokfailokfailokfailfailGRANT TO ... PUBLIC database statement. No run-time checking.
646skipokokfailokfailokfailfailGRANT ... TO user database statement. No run-time checking.
647skipokokokokfailokokfailGRANT table privileges with TO PUBLIC clause. No run-time checking.
648skipokokokokfailokfailfailGRANT on table to user list. No run-time checking.
649skipokokokokfailokfailfailGRANT INSERT on table to user. No run-time checking.
650skipokokokokfailokfailfailGRANT DELETE on table to user list. No run-time checking.
651skipokokokokfailokfailfailGRANT UPDATE on table to user list. No run-time checking.
652skipokokfailokfailokfailfailGRANT INDEX on table to user list. No run-time checking.
653skipokokfailokfailokfailfailGRANT ALTER on table to user list. No run-time checking.
655skipokokfailokfailokfailfailComplex GRANT on table. No run-time checking.
656skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailREVOKE ... FROM PUBLIC database statement. No run-time checking.
658skipokokskipokfailskipokfailREVOKE on table from PUBLIC database statement. No run-time checking.
659skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailREVOKE on table from user list. No run-time checking.
666skipokokokokfailokfailfailGRANT SELECT in all variants. No run-time checking.
667skipokokfailokfailokfailfailGRANT on table with GRANT OPTION. No run-time checking.
668skipokokfailokfailokfailfailGRANT on table AS GRANTOR No run-time checking.
675skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE SYNONYM No run-time checking.
676skipokokskipokfailskipfailokUPDATE on VIEW No run-time checking.
678skipokokokokfailokfailfailUPDATE with Informic-style SET syntax (column=value) No run-time checking.
679skipokokokokfailokfailfailUPDATE with Informix-style SET syntax (multiple columns/values) No run-time checking.
680skipokokokokfailokfailfailUPDATE with dot-star notation (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
681skipokokokokfailokfailfailUPDATE with constants in SET clause (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
682skipokokokfailfailokfailfailUPDATE with expresion in SET and column list (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
683skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE with function calls in expresion (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
685skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE with variables in SET clause (Informix syntax). No run-tiem checking.
686skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE with SET sub-expression (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
687skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE ... SET with UNITS. No run-time checking.
689skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE VIEW with Informix-style SET. No run-time checking.
693skipokokokokfailokokokUPDATE SET with SELECT (std ANSI SQL 92 syntax) No run-time checking.
695skipokokokokfailokfailfailUPDATE SET WHERE CURRENT OF (std. syntax) No run-time checking.
696skipokokokokfailokfailfailUPDATE with THRU syntax. No run-time checking.
697skipokokokokfailokokokComplex UPDATE. No run-time checking.
698skipokokskipokfailskipfailokINSERT into VIEW. No run-time checking.
700skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailINSERT on synonym. NO run-time checking.
701skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE SET with sub-expression (std syntax). No run-time checking.
702skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE SET with function call in expression (std syntax). No run-time checking.
704skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE SET with sub-expression (std syntax). No run-time checking.
706skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailSelect with constants and expresions, all combinations. Informix specific syntax.
711skipokokskipokfailskipfailokDELETE from view. No run-time checking.
713skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailDELETE on synonym. No run-time checking.
721skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if column expressions is correctly fetched.
724skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a select with \< fetch all correct values.
725skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a select with \< fetch all correct values.
728skipokokskipokfailskipokfailCheck if a select with over two tables with outer fetch the correct values.
729skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a select with over two tables with two outer fetch the correct values.
730skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a select with over two tables with two outer fetch the correct values.
739skipokokskipokfailskipfailokselect into temp with no log..
744skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with a EXISTS subquery in where condition fetch the correct values
745skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with ALL subquery in where condition fetch the correct values.
750skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with MATCHES in where condition fetch the correct values
751skipokokokokfailfailokfailCheck if a simple select with MATCHES in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
754skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a simple select with LIKE and characters escaped in where condition fetch the correct values
761skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a simple select with MATCHES and characters escaped in where condition fetch the correct values.
764skipokokokokfailfailokfailCheck if a simple select with LIKE in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
768skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with ANY subquery in where condition fetch the correct values.
769skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with SOME subquery in where condition fetch the correct values
775skipokokokokfailfailokokCheck if a simple select with NOT MATCHES in where condition fetch the correct values.
776skipokokokokfailfailokfailCheck if a simple select with LIKE in where condition using a variable fetch the correct values.
783skipokokokokfailokokokCheck if a simple select with COUNT distinct in select list fetch the correct values.
784skipokokokokfailokokokCheck if a simple select with MAX(ALL) in select list fetch the correct values.
785skipokokokokfailokokokCheck if a simple select with AVG(ALL) in select list fetch the correct values.
786skipokokokokfailokokokCheck if a simple select with MIN(ALL) in select list fetch the correct values.
787skipokokokokfailokokokCheck if a simple select with SUM ALL in select list fetch the correct values.
905skipokokskipfailfailskipfailokTest if the sqlca.sqlerrd[2] is assigned with last serial inserted.
908skipokokskipfailfailskipfailfailTest if the sqlca.sqlerrd[4] is assigned with the estimated cost of query.
909skipokokskipfailfailskipfailfailTest if the sqlca.sqlerrd[5] is assigned with the offset of an error in an wrong sql statement.
910skipokokokfailfailfailokfailTest if the sqlca.sqlerrd[6] is assigned with last rowid inserted.
911skipokokokokfailokfailokTest if the sqlca.sqlarn[1] is assigned with a W
912skipokokokfailfailfailfailfailTest if the sqlca.sqlarn[2] is assigned with a W after a truncation in a select.
913skipokokfailfailfailfailokokTest if the sqlca.sqlarn[2] is assigned with a W after using a database without transactions.
914skipokokskipfailfailskipfailfailTest if the sqlca.sqlawarn[3] is assigned with a W after a null in an agregate function of a select.
936skipskipskipskipskipfailskipfailfailTest if the SET LOG 4gl statement works OK
1009skipokokfailokfailokfailfailcursor for update declared twice that second thime thinks it does not exist
1206skipskipskipfailskipfailokokokord() server-side function in SELECT and UPDATE SQL statements
1249skipokokokokfailfailokfailDate tests of some sort
1251skipokokskipokfailskipokokdate handling , mid 720
1274skipokokfailokfailokfailfailVarious DATETIME variants inserted
1301skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCREATE TABLE with DEFAULT clause. No run-time checking. NOTE: fails with -ifx-p.
1302skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE with constants in SET clause (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
1303skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailUPDATE with expresion in SET and column list (Informix syntax) No run-time checking.
1304skipokokskipokfailskipfailfailCheck if a simple select with GREATER or equal the in where condition fetch the correct values.
1305skipokokskipfailfailskipokokNull string date/datetime checking
1406skipokokskipokfailskipokokChecks the usage of a blank string in an SQL statement , basically making sure it not treated as null
1413skipokokfailokfailfailfailfailExample logical report layout testing
485 OK
7 Fail
463 Skip
98% OK
404 OK
559 Skip
100% OK
399 OK
564 Skip
100% OK
254 OK
28 Fail
681 Skip
90% OK
380 OK
21 Fail
562 Skip
94% OK
275 OK
126 Fail
562 Skip
68% OK
236 OK
74 Fail
653 Skip
76% OK
306 OK
100 Fail
557 Skip
75% OK
292 OK
114 Fail
557 Skip
71% OK